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Welcome to the home page of GWEF
(Gold Wing European Federation)


About us: GWEF is a federation of Honda Gold Wing motorcycle owner’s clubs comprising one national club from each of 25 European countries.


GWEF was born at the first European Treffen (Dutch / German word for ‘meeting of friends’) held in Holland in May 1978. This exploratory meeting attracted 140 Gold Wings from several European countries.


In March 1983 representatives from 7 European clubs formalised the structure of the Gold Wing European Federation. Five more National clubs joined in 1984 and three more in 1985.


Our function is simply stated in our written constitution.


“To share information and promote International contact, friendship, and activities between Gold Wing clubs and riders”.


These four simple objectives are the cornerstone of our motorcycling philosophy and override all other considerations.


In pursuance of these ideals, GWEF has no executive body directing activities or in receipt of payment for any purpose.


GWEF is the member clubs, run by the member clubs, for the benefit of the member clubs.


Each club’s independent sovereignty remains sacrosanct.


How do we do it? Each national club nominates one International Representative who meets with his opposite numbers twice yearly, usually in Belgium at Easter and Luxembourg in September.


Three officers are elected by the representatives to manage the business of GWEF. These are the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. None of these have a vote. Decisions are adopted by a democratic simple majority of the International representatives who alone decide the issues. It is a matter of pride that whenever an issue is decided, those who opposed the argument always have the good grace to accept the majority decision with immediate effect.


We have only one unwritten rule; Ask only what you can bring to GWEF for European Goldwingers, not what you can take!


Each country voluntarily organises an Annual ‘Treffen’ (some countries alternate). These Treffens are designed to reflect the culture, customs and history of the host club’s country. It is quite possible for a Gold Wing rider to leave home at Easter and visit a Treffen in a different country almost every weekend until returning home in September.


GWEF offers a stunning program of International discovery which is second to none and the envy of many. And so it should. We do, after all, ride the premier inter continental touring motorcycle designed for the purpose. It's mile munching, mountain crunching capabilities are legendary and best of all; your passenger loves it.


With around 10,000 individual members from the 25 representative countries in GWEF, whenever and wherever we travel, we are never far from a friend. A comforting thought in an emergency. More so when you realise our membership extends from approximately 10 degs west to 180 degs east. OVER HALF WAY AROUND THE WORLD!!


Astride the Gold Wing, the wind in your face will blow away the mists of confusion and the fog of deceit. You will discover a world of friendship, happiness and understanding. Come and join us. I can promise you a voyage of discovery beyond your wildest dreams.


Pete Ware
GWEF Chairman (2001-2007)
Updated April 2024

creator: Martin Reitstätter This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | webdesign: ©2008 Paul Hirsch This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
webmaster: Harm van Eerten This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.