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Country information Austria

Time zone GMT +1
Police: 133
Ambulance: 144
Fire Department: 122
Roadside Assistance:
  • OEAMTC (120)
  • ARBOE (123)
Phone from: + or 00
Phone to: 43
Papers: Green Insurance Card insurance is not a commitment (except Poland), but is advisable!
Traffic laws: Foreign travelers entering Austria with a motor vehicle require their national driving licence and a registration certificate.

The national identity symbol of the country must be displayed on the rear of foreign vehicles. It's a pity but you have to pay for the freeway. You have to buy a vignette!
Speed limit (inside/outside/motorway): 50/100/130
Speed limit (with Trailer): 50/100/100
Alcohol limit: 0.5 promille
Currency: Euro
Gas: Super plus (98 Octane) /Unleaded (91 Octane) /Unleaded (95 Octane) / Diesel /Liquid gas
Shops: Opening days and hours: 
  • Mon/Fri 09:00-18:30.
  • Sat 09:00-13:00 , some from 9:00-17:00 (in towns and cities)
  • Sundays/public holidays: emergency pharmacies, airport shops
Voltage/Sockets: 230 Volt, standard central European sockets
Animals: Dogs and cats: Official veterinary health certificate or international vaccination certificate necessary. Rabies vaccination at least 30 days and more than 12 months before crossing the border. The certificate must be written in German.
Any other business: AM-CB transmitter/receiver are forbidden. (Sorry!)
creator: Martin Reitstätter This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | webdesign: ©2008 Paul Hirsch This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
webmaster: Harm van Eerten This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.