Country information Holland
Time zone |
GMT +1 |
Police: |
112 (no emergency 0900-8844) |
Ambulance: |
112 |
Fire Department: |
112 |
Roadside Assistance: |
- 0800-0888 ANWB (always available free telephone)
Phone from: |
00(+) |
Phone to: |
+31 |
Papers: |
Green insurance card is advisable. From inside EU passport or identity card, from outside EU only passport. |
Traffic laws: |
Phone while riding .... only hands free! Speeding: over 50 too fast, driver's license will be taken.
Speed limit (inside/outside/motorway): |
50/30 inside 80/60 outside 120/100 motorway |
Speed limit (with Trailer): |
50/30 inside 80/60 outside 90 motorway |
Alcohol limit: |
0.5 promille |
Currency: |
Euro |
Gas: |
Unleaded 95 & 98, LPG & Diesel & Super 98 with substitute for lead |
Shops: |
Mon/Fri 09:00-20:00hrs Sat. 09:00-16:00hrs Mostly closed on Sunday |
Voltage/Sockets: |
230 Volt, standard central european sockets |
Animals: |
Current EU Legislation with appropriate documentation |
Any other business: |
CB transmitter/receiver must require to the Dutch law. |