

social media

Country information Belarus

Time zone GMT +2
Police: 102
Ambulance: 103
Fire Department: 101
Roadside Assistance:
  • 112
Phone from: + or 00
Phone to: +375
Papers: Passport, Visa, Insurance (green card), registration certificate, vehicle registration(Brif)
Traffic laws: Drive on right. Wearing of helmets is compulsory. Hands free calling only
Speed limit (inside/outside/motorway): 60/90/120
Speed limit (with Trailer): 60/70/70
Alcohol limit: 0.3 promille
Currency: National currency – Bel. Rubl. 1 Euro~11000 blrbl. Credit card in most supermarkets and petrol stations (Visa, MasterCard)
Gas: Super plus (98 Octane) /Unleaded (92 Octane) /Unleaded (95 Octane) / Diesel oil. Price ~ 0,5-0,6 euro/liter
Shops: Opening hours:
  • 9:00 – 22:00
  • Grocery stores 9:00 – 02:00
Voltage/Sockets: 220 Volt
Animals: Official veterinary health certificate. Personal chip or tattoo. Vaccination made 1 month prior to entry
creator: Martin Reitstätter This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | webdesign: ©2008 Paul Hirsch This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
webmaster: Harm van Eerten This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.