Country information France
Time zone |
GMT +1 |
Police: |
17 |
Ambulance: |
15 |
Fire Department: |
18 |
Roadside Assistance: |
112 (mobile phone) |
Phone from: |
00(+) |
Phone to: |
+33 |
Papers: |
Driver licence + Registration + Insurance + Passport |
Traffic laws: |
European standard. Crossroads : Give way to the right if there is no marking. |
Speed limit (inside/outside/motorway): |
50 kmh - 90 kmh - 130 kmh (110 k mh if low visibility or rain) |
Speed limit (with Trailer): |
same figures. |
Alcohol limit: |
lower than 0.5 gr/liter of blood |
Currency: |
Euro |
Gas: |
You need a credit card with a pin code, when refuelling in an automatic petrol station |
Shops: |
Usually from 9 AM to 7 PM. It depends on the city. (closing day: Monday) |
Voltage: |
220 V / 50Hz |
Animals: |
any dog, cat travelling in the EU must be identified, vaccinated against the rage |
Any other business: |
Speed cameras are everywhere. Generally announciated by a sign |