

social media

Country information Great Britain

Time zone GMT
Police: 999
Ambulance: 999
Fire Department: 999
Roadside Assistance: Advise having personal insurance.
Phone from: 00(+)
Phone to: +44
Papers: Green Insurance card advisable, Driving Licence, Passport
Traffic laws: Hands free ONLY mobile phones allowed when driving.
Speed limit (inside/outside/motorway): 50/96/112
Speed limit (with Trailer): 96
Alcohol limit: 0.0 promille
Currency: 1 GB Pound = 1.10 Euro
Gas: Currently 0.94 p
Shops: 09:00-17:30 hrs normally closed on Sundays except large towns
Voltage: 230 Volt. Adapter required for European plugs.
Animals: Current EU Legislation with appropriate documentation
Any other business: In country rural area's petrol stations close early.
creator: Martin Reitstätter This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | webdesign: ©2008 Paul Hirsch This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
webmaster: Harm van Eerten This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.