Country information Spain
Time zone |
GMT +1 |
Police: |
112 |
Ambulance: |
112 |
Fire Department: |
112 |
Roadside Assistance: |
Phone from: |
00(+) |
Phone to: |
+34 |
Papers: |
From EU: Identity Card From outside EU: Passport (depending of country visa can be necessary) / Green Insurance Card / Driving License / Registration Certificate |
Traffic laws: |
Towing a trailer - allowed during day with good visibility |
Speed limit (inside/outside/motorway): |
50 - 90 - 120 kmh |
Speed limit (with Trailer): |
10% below the speed limit ( 45 - 81 - 108 kmh) |
Alcohol limit: |
0.0 promille |
Currency: |
Euro |
Gas: |
Super Plus (98 octane) / Unleaded Super ( 95 octane) / Unleaded (91 Octane) / Diesel / GPL |
Shops: |
Voltage: |
230 Volt |
Animals: |
Cats and dogs must have vaccines |
Any other business: |
The use of GPS is allowed but speed camera detectors or radar detectors are forbidden |