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Country information Türkiye

Time zone: GMT +3
Police: 155 
Ambulance: 112 
Fire Department: 110 
Roadside Assistance:   
Phone from: + or 00 
Phone to: +90 
Papers: Green insurance card 
Traffic laws: National driving license 
Speed limit (inside/outside/motorway): 50/80/100 
Speed limit (with Trailer): 50/80/100 
Alcohol limit: 0 promille 
Currency: Turkish Lira 
Gas: Super plus (98 Octane)  /Unleaded (95 Octane) / Diesel /Liquid gas 
Shops: Mon/Fri 09:00-18:30.
Sat 09:00-13:00 , some from 9:00-17:00 (in towns and cities)
Sundays/public holidays: emergency pharmacies, airport shops 
Voltage: 220 V 
Animals: Dogs and cats: Official veterinary health certificate or international vaccination certificate necessary. Rabies vaccination at least 30 days and more than 12 months before crossing the border.
Any other business:  
creator: Martin Reitstätter This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | webdesign: ©2008 Paul Hirsch This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
webmaster: Harm van Eerten This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.