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Country information Ukraine

Time zone GMT +2
Police: 102 (mobile phone 102)
Ambulance: 103 (mobile phone 103)
Fire Department: 101 (mobile phone 101)
Roadside Assistance: 102 (mobile phone 102)
Phone from: 8 10 (+)
Phone to: +38
Papers: Passport, green insurance, driving license, registration certificate, vehicle registration, MOT-certificate
Traffic laws: Drive on right. Wearing of helmets is compulsory. Daytime use of headlights advised for safety. Crossroads: Give way to the right if there is no marking.
Speed limit (inside/outside/motorway): 60/90/110 kmh
Speed limit (with Trailer): 60 kmh - city, 80 kmh - motorway
Alcohol limit: 0.04 promille
Currency: National currency: Grivnya; 1 US Dollar ~ 8 grn, 1 Euro ~ 11 grn; Credit cards accepted in most supermarkets and petrol stations (Visa, MasterCard, Eurocard)
Gas: 95, 95+, 95 Euro 4, 98 Octane, Diesel. Price ~ 0,7-0,9 Euro/litre
Shops: 9:00-20:00, grocery store 8:00-24:00
Voltage: 220 Volt
Animals: Official veterinary health certificate or international vaccination certificate necessary. The animal must be transported in a special box.
Any other business:  
creator: Martin Reitstätter This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | webdesign: ©2008 Paul Hirsch This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
webmaster: Harm van Eerten This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.