Treffen Holland (GWCH) 2021 is cancelled

Tuesday, 26 January 2021 21:54

Dear members,


This evening we as committee and treffen organisation of Gold Wing Club Holland had to make the decision to cancel the 43rd treffen again. We had already taken this scenario into account, but we still hoped that we could continue in its original form. An attempt was made to agree on a shorter procedure time with the municipality, which turned out to be impossible for various reasons. Earlier we had already agreed that it should be a treffen without corona measures, as Mr. Marcus van der Mast (Secretary GWCH) already indicated in January in the foreword of our club magazine “de Wing”, sitting at a meter and a half and everything according to restrictive rules is not a treffen. Of course we regret that the treffen cannot continue, but given the current situation, we really can’t do otherwise. Maybe something will be possible later this year, let's hope. As for the 43rd international treffen, we are going for another attempt in 2022. We hope to meet everyone in good health at a later date.


On behalf of the committee and the treffen organisation of Gold Wing Club Holland

Jacco ten Broeke - Treffencoördinator
Bart van Esseveld - Interrep
Marco Strik - President


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